Devon Berry's Spring 2006 Time Log
Date Duration (Hours) Activity
1/9/06 2.5 Met with entire team and both clients to discuss project status. Put together some basic line following code.
1/10/06 0.25 Discussed how to keep logs on website with Jason.
1/11/06 1.5 Met with Jason, but was unable to make progress since we did not have the Senior Project Lab door code.
1/12/06 2.75 Met with Jason, finished and tested the line following code in the Fabrication Lab.
1/13/06 3.0 Adjusted the line following code to operate through Michael Hall's control and navigation systems.
Weekly total 9.0 Hrs
1/16/06 3.0 Met with ECE team to discuss progress. Began coding method to have the robot determine where to go and how to get there.
1/17/06 3.0 Continued discussing and coding the pathing algorithm.
1/18/06 3.0 Continued discussing and coding the pathing algorithm.
1/19/06 3.0 Continued discussing and coding the pathing algorithm. Decided to meet on Saturday to have more progress to show to clients on Monday.
1/21/06 2.0 Continued discussing and coding the pathing algorithm. Used a test program (to use the mouse) to measure distances on the track to place in our code.
Weekly total 14.0 Hrs
1/23/06 3.0 Met with entire team and both clients to discuss progress. Finished coding in distances measured previously. Tested pathing algorithm on the board with unacceptable results.
1/24/06 0.75 Did some testing and found some bugs in the code. The algorithm is still not preforming correctly, but it is improving.
1/25/06 3.0 Prepared for the status report.
1/26/06 0.75 Increased the accuracy of the line following and had a successful mini-test. Now we just have to fill out the rest of the code with the changes.
1/27/06 0.5 Updated some things on the website.
1/28/06 1.5 Filled out the rest of the pathing algorithm. Now it just needs to be tested.
Weekly total 9.5 Hrs
1/29/06 0.25 Fixed some possible bugs in the pathing algorithm.
1/30/06 3.0 Tested the pathing algorith, it still has some bugs. Fixed some of the bugs in the pathing algrithm.
1/31/06 2.0 Continued testing, finding, and correcting bugs in the pathing algorithm. Ran out of power during testing. Proceeded to update the board with navigation marks.
2/1/06 3.0 Continued testing, finding, and correcting bugs in the pathing algorithm. Had first successful test using half the board. Proceeded to attept to increase the speed while maintaining accuracy.
2/2/06 3.0 Continued testing and improving speed and accuraccy of pathing algorithm. Algorithm is nearly complete. Must still be tested on full board.
Weekly total 11.25 Hrs
2/6/06 1.5 Met with ECE team and clients to discuss progress. Decided to put line following aside until the ECE team is done with the encoders and the PD function. For now, we shall work on using the sonar and using the camera.
2/7/06 2.0 Learned how to use the manipulator and servos. Put together a video of this for the status report.
2/8/06 3.0 Worked getting a good video of the line following module. Debugged module some for video.
2/9/06 2.0 Continued trying to get a good run for the video.
2/11/06 4.0 Displayed robot at the "Engineering Open House" and worked on the line following module intermittently.
2/12/06 0.5 Wrote latter half of written status report.
Weekly total 11.0 Hrs
2/13/06 3.5 Very close to a complete run for the video, but robot ran out of power. Updated timeline and worked on slides for report.
2/14/06 1.0 Put together slides and uploaded videos for the status report. Uploaded slides and videos to the website.
2/15/06 2.0 Put together our parts of the written status report, printed it, and uploaded it to the website. Worked on tuning up our line following code.
2/16/06 1.0 Investigated the use of the camera and discussed it with the ECE team.
Weekly total 7.5 Hrs
2/20/06 3.0 Worked on learning how to use the sonar to drive the robot within a certain distance of a can.
2/21/06 2.0 Finished the sonar test and added the maniplator code to get the robot to drive up to and lift the can.
2/22/06 2.0 Worked on learning how to use the camera.
2/23/06 4.0 Spent time improving the line following code for the competition at St. Louis University.
2/24/06 5.0 Finished preparations and presented the robot at the St. Louis University Competition.
Weekly total 16.0 Hrs
2/27/06 3.0 Met with ECE team and discussed how to implement the pathfinding algorithm.
2/28/06 2.0 More discussion and planning on how to implement the pathfinding algorithm.
3/1/06 4.0 Began implementation of the wavefront algorithm and the map class to store the state of the arena.
3/2/06 3.0 Continued working on implementing the map class and wavefront algorithm.
3/3/06 1.0 Continued working on implementing the map class
3/4/06 1.0 Continued working on implementing the map class
Weekly total 14.0 Hrs
3/5/06 1.0 Integrated the map class with the wavefront algorithm.
3/6/06 5.25 Met with ECE team, registered for the competiton, and created test programs for the light sensors and the control system.
3/7/06 1.5 Met with ECE team and corrected bugs in the control system test program.
3/8/06 1.0 Met with ECE team to discuss progress and plans.
3/9/06 0.5 Met with ECE team to discuss plans for Monday.
3/10/06 2.0 Finalized the wavefront algorithm and created an autonomous robot class to use the algorithm to complete the course.
Weekly total 11.25 Hrs
3/13/06 4.0 Met with ECE team and clients to discuss progress and plans. Worked on adjusting the autonomous robot class to work using a finite state machine instead of sequential code. Plugged the class into the robot's other systems.
3/14/06 3.0 Discussed the localization plans and prepared a beta test for the autonomous robot class.
3/15/06 3.0 Fixed the test to work on the robot and tested it, with incorrect results.
3/16/06 3.0 Discussed the results with Michael and Eddie. Watched them demonstrate the improved accuracy of the control system.
Weekly total 13.00 Hrs
3/20/06 3.0 Worked on fixing bugs in the latest version of the line following module.
3/21/06 3.0 Discussed preparations for the status report. Worked on debugging the line following.
3/22/06 3.5 Worked on debugging the line following. Wrote status report and prepared slides.
3/23/06 0.25 Transfered videos from camera, combined status report slides, and printed written report.
Weekly total 9.75 Hrs
3/27/06 3.0 Continued refining the line following module.
3/28/06 2.0 Continued refining the line following module.
3/29/06 2.0 Continued refining the line following module.
3/30/06 3.25 Continued refining the line following module.
3/31/06 6.0 Continued refining the line following module and helped Michael improve grab can routine.
Weekly total 16.25 Hrs
4/2/06 1.25 Continued refining the line following module.
4/3/06 3.0 Started compliling module versions together and preparing for the competition.
4/4/06 5.0 Continued preparing for the competition.
4/5/06 9.0 Continued preparing for the competition.
4/6/06 3.0 Finalized the preparations and packed the robot for travel.
4/7/06 16.0 Packed bags for trip, flew to San Antonio, obtained hotel rooms, and fine-tuned AI modules using the practice course provided by IEEE.
4/8/06 (IEEE Competition) 7.5 Went to University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), did some more fine-tuning using the course provided by IEEE, and competed. (getting 9th of 37 teams)
Weekly total 44.75 Hrs
4/10/06 0.5 Updated website and log.
4/11/06 1.0 Put together status report, uploaded video files, and updated website.
4/14/06 1.0 Obtained competition videos from Michael and attempted to view them with little success due to an unfamiliar format.
Weekly total 2.5 Hrs
4/19/06 1.5 Wrote the manual on how to upload and execute code using the Xport Development Software.
4/20/06 0.5 Discussed division of work for the final documents and presentation with Jason.
Weekly total 2.0 Hrs
4/23/06 1.5 Created some slides for my portion of the final presentation.
4/25/06 2.0 Discussed some more things about the final presentation and the practice with Jason.
4/26/06 2.0 Created the rest of my slides for the final presentation.
4/27/06 0.75 Practiced presenting with Dr. Blythe and Dr. Dooly.
4/28/06 1.5 Made adjustments to my slides based on feedback from the practice.
Weekly total 7.75 Hrs
5/2/06 2.5 Created the poster, burned the code cd, and wrote the coding specifications docuemnt.
5/3/06 5.0 Updated the website, delivered the code cd, printed and delivered all the documentation, printed and delivered the poster, and gave our final presentation.
Weekly total 7.5 Hrs